Verbal Assault - Heal

Empty, with no respect at all
We expect what's been built
To crumble and fall
Shocked by the indifference
To our unheeded call
I ask you
What do we offer instead?

We cannot change around
Until we change within
To scream and yell and sloganize
Only shields us from our own lies
Without understanding
We offer our own views
What the hell are we doing, rebels?

I am scared by the way you act
Do you always know who is really
Being attacked?
With an unknowing shrug
We go and turn our backs
On the only few things that we have left

Commitment is not measured by
By the months
But by the years
The time to stop
Will not be our first tears
A life spent with more trouble
Time, pain and fear
Is there any way stay
Close to what we hold dear?
Integrity, truth and love is what we need
Rebel, heal thyself